
First concert - glad I have been practicing

Well today was the first concert playing the new Tuba in the Concert Band - I thought it went pretty well although I messed up the exposed high bit near the beginning of Fall Fair even though I had practiced it like mad - still more work to do to get that stuff cast iron.

I have been taking some lessons so as to do the new beast justice and they have certainly paid off. From only ever having had a couple of lessons about 30+ years ago so essentially being self taught I had a bunch of bad habits to unlearn and some new tricks and techniques to learn for the first time. Plus it has given me an incentive to


What a novel concept!!

I am now enjoying trying to fit in daily practice and get to know my instrument better and develop some techniques that I had basically ignored before because I could get away without using them. Things like ascending slurs (always soft toungued them in the past). They aren't as hard as I had thought.

Going to keep up this practice and lessons - makes it much more satisfying in the long run. But now I have to share the parctice time with my 12 year old son who is just starting to learn the trumpet. He's pretty keen - so much so that allowing him to practice is currently working as a reward for finishing his homework!!

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