
Some details

Finally found some time to take some pics:

Back side

Front side:

On its side:

2nd valve trigger slide:

What was inside:

RM 0 and RM 0. (larger backbore than the RM 0) mouthpieces side by side:

Dwarfs the old B&H EEb - but I won't be completely putting that aside:

It's arrived

No mailman on his bike for this delivery:

Need to use the hydraulic lift:

Safely strapped in:

Onto the dolly:

and into the front hall (plus figuring out how to turn the camera back to "colour" mode):

Takes almost the WHOLE front hall:

Trying to figure out how to get those pesky metal straps off:

Open at last:

Wotta lotta packaging - at least it kept it safe:

Still more layers to unwrap:

Case safely opened:

The first blow:

Tidying up all the packaging:

All the cardboard nicely cut up for the recycling man to take away:

Detailed closeups of the instrument to come later...

Delivered doesn't mean "Delivered"

Apparently it means delivered to Manitoulin transport who then still have to deliver it to me!!


Website says delivered - but it's not :(

So where is it????

Not here yet

It's gone 5pm so I guess it's not coming till tomorrow - grrrr


I'm getting a brand new Rudolf-Meinl BBb "Bayreuth" 5/4 size tuba as a birthday present from my most generous mother - overkill for someone of my talents I know but what the heck. At least I won't be able to blame the instrument when the wrong sound comes out!

It's finally cleared customs and they tell me it should get delivered today or tomorrow morning. After having first visited the Meinl factory in May the wait is nearly over.

Getting excited now.